Reactive Extensions Phone 7 samples in VB by ThinqLinq

Reactive Extensions Phone 7 samples in VB

wp7_signature_banner_smFor a while, those of us who love Visual Basic have been struggling to make sure that newly released platforms include support for VB. When platforms that cater to the hobbyist, such as the new Windows Phone 7 tools are introduced without support for VB, we are particularly saddened. Happily, the team worked hard to overcome this shortcoming and announced today availability of the Windows Phone 7 tools in Visual Basic using Silverlight. You can download the tools now.image

In celebration of this opportunity, I have converted my RX samples over to VB and made them available on my downloads page. I’ll post explanations of each of the samples over the next few days. For now, feel free to download the samples and try them out for yourself. Here’s the list of samples that are included:

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