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Using Rx to consume a Task based WCF service

Among the many changes that Dev 11 brings is the new default when adding a service reference to generate Task based proxy methods rather than using the APM flavor (using the BeginXXX – EndXXX model). In this post, we’ll look at creating a simple service and then consuming it using the Reactive Extensions. Let’s start by defining the service interface and implementation: Imports System.ServiceModel Imports System.Threading <ServiceContract()> Public Interface ISimpleServicesvc

Paging with AJAX WCF and LINQ

These days, it seems that every web site needs to have some use of gratuitous AJAX in order to stay on the bleeding edge. Since we didn't have any here yet, I thought I would throw some in for good measure. I liked the lazy loading of records instead of paging found on some sites, including the Google RSS reader and thought I would see what it would take to add something like that here. If you're not familiar with this paging option, instead of loading a new page of records each time the user

WCF with the LINQ to SQL designer

A frequent question on the LINQ forums regards how to combine LINQ with a service oriented application. The main issue is that the DataContext which sits at the core of LINQ to SQL in managing the connection and change tracking is not intended to be remoted. In addition, the DataContext should be rather short lived in a disconnected environment (including ASP). With the addition of WCF in the 3.0 framework, the question of how to enable LINQ to SQL entity definitions to participate in a WCF Data