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Select Many with Rx and RxJs

A while back, I showed how you could use the query syntax and Rx to code a drag-drop operation similar to the way you might describe  the process to your mother. As a review, let’s take another look at the code, this time in C# as a preparation for moving it over to javaScript. var mouseDown = from evt in Observable.FromEventPattern<MouseButtonEventArgs>(image, "MouseLeftButtonDown") select evt.EventArgs.GetPosition(image); var mouseUp = Observable.FromE

devLINK RxJs and Async session materials available

I would like to thank everyone who came out to my DevLINQ sessions this week. The materials for both of the sessions are not available on the Files tab  of this site. In addition, here are the descriptions and direct links to each of these downloads: Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJs) The Reactive Extensions allow developers to build composabile, asynchronous event driven methods over observable collections. In web applications, you can use this same model in client si

Using RxJs for an Image Rotator with jQuery

In trying to come up with some compelling demos for RxJs, I happened upon a scenario that some of you may find helpful. I wanted to create the ability to display images on a timer loop and keep looping through them while the user is on the page. I realize that there are a plethora of jQuery plugins that do this already, but  I have a new hammer (RxJs), I might as well see how well it works myself. As I did in my port of the ObservableSensor in the last RxJs post,  let’s start by defi

VB Syntax Highlighting with JQuery and Chili

At CodeStock, I attended Rod Paddock's intro to JQuery session since I hadn't played with JQuery yet. As often happens when I go to conferences, being in the different environment starts to get the mind thinking in different ways. Sometimes the benefit of the conference isn't necessarily something stated directly, but rather a thought when the mind wanders. One such thought occurred during Rod's presentation where I thought that it might be interesting to "query" sets of text over a la