Search results for Reactive Extensions for JavaScript - ThinqLinq by ThinqLinq


ThinqLinq Samples on Github

When I first created this site, I used it both as a test bed for technologies as I played with them and as a repository for others to use for my presentations and other insights. Over the years people have been free to grab these samples, but haven’t had good ways of giving back to help improve the samples. In the mean time, there have been quite a number of technology changes. While I may have been late to the party on some, there’s only so many things one can focus on. One of the advances we’

RxJs Select or Map

While reviewing the recent updates to RxJs and looking at some of the tutorial information, I started to get perplexed at the difference between select or map, selectMany or flatMap, and where or filter. I’ve typically used the LINQ/SQL methods of select, selectMany and where, but while reading the learnrx tutorial I noticed he was using map, flatMap, and filter and became confused as to how these are related. A quick peek at the source (which is easy with JavaScript libraries) reveals how. Here

Reactive Translator for RxJs

For several years, I’ve been demonstrating using Reactive Extensions to handle taking user input and providing real time translations into multiple languages. This code sample has been so popular that even Soma posted an example using the Bing translator in his introducing Rx post. In most cases, they only issue a single request or issue multiple individual requests for multiple languages. To add a bit of fun to my demo, I decided to spice it up a bit and turn the list of destination languages i

New for Reactive Extensions is a site that makes it easy to aggregate blog posts, twitter streams, Google+, Facebook, etc into a magazine format for easy reading. There are virtual papers on almost any topic you could imagine. While I’ve seen messages that some of my tweets and links have been featured, I didn’t recall seeing any on the Reactive Extensions (until Now). I took the liberty of creating a specifically for tracking Reactive Extensions news and announcements. Feel free to follow it by clicking