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ThinqLinq Samples on Github

When I first created this site, I used it both as a test bed for technologies as I played with them and as a repository for others to use for my presentations and other insights. Over the years people have been free to grab these samples, but haven’t had good ways of giving back to help improve the samples. In the mean time, there have been quite a number of technology changes. While I may have been late to the party on some, there’s only so many things one can focus on. One of the advances we’

SignalR and Rx talk materials

Last night I gave a talk for the Gwinnett Georgia Microsoft User Group. There were plenty of questions and discussion. Everyone seemed interested in learning about SignalR at least even if most hadn’t heard of Rx (gasp.) The slides and demos from the presentation are available for download here. Update – 7/18/2014: The source code and slide deck is now available on Github for these projects. Head on over to to check them out. Anyway, for those that wa