VS 2008 RTM and the .NET Framework 3.5 Shipped by ThinqLinq

VS 2008 RTM and the .NET Framework 3.5 Shipped

It's offical, Soma annouced on his blog that the 3.5 .Net Framework along with Visual Studio 2008 have shipped. I have been excited by the things coming with this release since PDC 2005 and am glad to finally work the the official bits. I am aware of a couple breaking changes between the Beta 2 and RTM, and will try to keep you updated as I find more items.

The biggest changes to be aware of in regards to LINQ to SQL are the following:

  • Open the DBML file as XML and change the UTF encoding from 16 to 8. Otherwise the compiler will complain about the DBML file's format.
  • Replace the Add methods with InsertOnSubmit. Likewise, change Remove to DeleteOnSubmit. You may be able to do a global search and replace on this, but be careful not to make changes to any IList object implementations, only LINQ to SQL ones.

There are a couple other minor updates that may catch you off-guard. I'll update you once I've had a chance to play with the final bits.

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