Linq In Action going to press by ThinqLinq

Linq In Action going to press

At long last, the process of doing my first book is coming to a close. I started this project last March. Through the process we had to revisit our work numerous times, including each time a new CTP or Beta drop came. For me, 10 months, and Fabrice 2 years later, we found out this week that the book is going to press.

What does this mean for you, if you purchased the eBook, the final version is available now. Additionally, the samples are available online in both C# and VB. We are also making three chapters available for free if you are considering the book, but not sure yet.

If you purchase the hard copy from Manning, we understand that it should be in around the first of February. This should mean that it will be shipping from the online outlets, like Amazon by the middle of February.

I hope you find the book as rewarding to read as it did for us to write.

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