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Using LINQPad with MongoDb and NoRM

I’ve recently been working on a project that might be a good fit for the rising wave of Document Databases espoused by the rising NoSQL movement. Unlike the traditional Relational Databases like SQL Server, Document Databases can store object hierarchies, or unshaped data for quick and efficient saving and retrieval. There are quite a number of these databases appearing, including MongoDb, CouchDb, RavenDb. Wikipedia also has a listing of Document Databases with links to other options. Typicall

LINQ in Action XML samples added to LINQPad

The beginning of this month, we released the samples from "LINQ in Action" for chapters 1-8 which covers LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL, and the new Language features. We're happy to announce that the next three chapters covering LINQ to XML are now available. That's over 70 new samples in VB and C# each. Follow the directions on the original announcement to download and use these samples.

Add Extension Methods in LinqPad

As we already announced, the samples for chapters 1-8 of our LINQ in Action book are available through LINQPad. This includes the LINQ to Objects and LINQ to SQL. I've been working on the LINQ to XML chapters (9-11) and hope that we will add them to the download soon. In the process, I've needed to learn a bit about how LINQPad works under the covers in order to add specialized classes. By default, LINQPad offers three options: Expressions, Statements and Programs. With the Expressions, you can