Adding Gravatar support to comments
Having a bit more free time than expected, I thought I would take a bit of time and add some features to this site based on some things I've seen at other sites. A quick one is adding Gravatar support to the comments. If you're not familiar with gravatar's, describes them as a globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things.
To get a Gravatar, go to and let them know your email address and the picture you want associated with your picture. Once you are done, any site that supports gravatar's will then show your picture to the world. That's your task.
My task is to enable this site to access your picture. They have a number of add-ins for various blogging engines, but since this one is custom, we'll have to implement it ourself. Luckly it is as simple as adding a img tag to our site with the source being a URI which includes information about the user that we want to display. Here's a sample URI which would show my picture:
<img src="" alt="Gravatar" />
Let's break the source attribute down a bit. Essentially it is a URI to a PHP site on the Gravatar server: It includes three query string parameters: the gravatar_id, rating and size.
The rating and size are easy enough. For this site, we're going to keep it clean (although we do get Kinq-y at times) so we'll keep the site rated G. Other sites could use one of their other rating levels (g, pg, r, or x).
For the size, you can specify that the image be anywhere between 0 and 512 pixels. To keep the page load small here, I'll ask for images 40 px by 40 px and set the size=40.
With that out of the way, we need to generate the value for the gravatar_id paramter. In a nutshell, the id is just a MD5 hash of the commentor's email address. When we set-up the ability to add comments to this site, we made the email address a required field, so we are already storing that. All we need to do is convert it and bind to it in our custom img tag. To encapsulate that functionality and keep it with the comments themselves, we will add a partial class for Comments and put our new property in there. We don't add it directly to the Comment class that the dbml file generates as it will be deleted in the future if we ever decide to regenerate that file. With partial classes, we can retain parts of the class definition in multiple physical files and the compiler will combine them within the generated assembly. Here's the definition of this class and our new property:
Public Class Comment
Public ReadOnly Property GravatarSource() As String
End Get
End Property
End Class
Notice here, we don't need to specify that this is a partial class because the one generated by our DBML designer already includes the partial destinction. As long as we're in the same namespace, in VB, we're fine. I should point out however that there are some limitations on how we can use this partial property in LINQ queries (see
Now for the getting this value. To make binding simple, we'll just format the entire URI in this method (we're using a property here due to limitations in data binding to methods). Using the String.Format method, we can insert the hash into our uri using the following:
Return String.Format("{0}&rating=G&size=40", GetEmailHash())The body of the GetEmailHash function is where the meat of our work happens. In this, we will encode the value of the Commentor's email address which we can access from the other part of the partial class as the CreatorEmail property. To do that, we need to encode the string into a byte array. Then, using a MD5CryptoServiceProvider instance, we can compute the hash into a new byte array.
Dim enc As New UTF8Encoding()
Dim hashProvider As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider
Dim bytes() As Byte = hashProvider.ComputeHash(enc.GetBytes(Me.CreatorEmail))
Finally, we need to piece the encrypted array back into a string. In the case of the Gravatar system, each byte needs to be converted back to the HEX represntation and lower cased. We could use a for-each loop and iterate over the results building it up dynamically, but this is a great case of using LINQ to Objects to replace an iteration:
b In bytes Select b.ToString("X2").ToLower()We can then concatenate the resulting HEX strings using the String.Join. Here's the completed definition of this class:
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
Public Class Comment
Public ReadOnly Property GravatarSource() As String
'We need the MD5 hash of the email address
Return String.Format("{0}&rating=G&size=40", GetEmailHash())
End Get
End Property
Private Function GetEmailHash() As String
Dim enc As New UTF8Encoding()
Dim hashProvider As New MD5CryptoServiceProvider
Dim bytes() As Byte = hashProvider.ComputeHash( _
Return String.Join("", _
(From b In bytes _
Select b.ToString("X2").ToLower()) _
End Function
End Class
Now, to add this property to our UI. Since we are already set up to bind to the comment object in our CommentRepeater control, we just add a new line to specify the img tag:
a href="" title="Get your avatar"><img width="40" height="40" style="float: right; padding-left: 10px;" src="<%# Eval("GravatarSource") %>" alt="Gravatar" /></a> That's it. If you want to see the gravatar in action, head on over to their site and sign up. Then come back here and leave a comment on this post. I'd love to see the faces of people who enjoy this site.